ul. Kordylewskiego 11, 31-542 Kraków
+48 12 617 66 00
ADE: AE:PL-64041-35441-JIEVR-35

Online conference:

Society 5.0

18-19th November 2020, 10.00 am - 1.00 pm


Society 5.0 is the next stage of the evolution after models based on hunting (1.0), agriculture (2.0), industry (3.0) and information (4.0). It is a world of people, machines and all their environment that is interconnected and can understand each other with the support of artificial intelligence.

What does the era of Society 5.0 mean for each of us? Do advanced techniques and new technologies support achievement of sustainable development goals? How would comfortable infrastructure and intelligent environment affect the condition of the Planet and well-being of People?

We have invited outstanding scientists, experts and practitioners from Poland and all over the world? to seek answers to these and other questions.

During the conference, we will talk, among others, about the robotisation of society, Circular Economy, Green HR, new trends in social behavior, as well as human and consumer rights in the era of new technologies.

The conference is free of charge, it will be conducted in English, on-line using ZOOM platform, on November 18-19th, 2020.

The Honorary Patronage

Substantive partner

Media Patronage


Day I: 18.11.2020 (Wednesday)

Hubert Bukowski (Poland) – Institute of Innovation and Responsible Development

10.00 – 10.15

Opening of the conference
Małgorzata Drewnicka (Poland)President of the Management Board Malopolska Regional Development Agency

10.15 – 10.45

Zero waste – trend, fashion, politics?
Beatrycze Bem (Poland) – Expert in the field of corporate communication and corporate social responsibility

10.45 – 11.15

Conscious consumer – how to achieve sales targets and fulfil eco-needs of customers?
Kamil Wyszkowski (Poland) – President of the Board Global Compact Network Poland

11.15 – 11.45

Circular economy – can only large companies afford it? How to implement circular economy in SMEs?
PhD Agnieszka Sznyk (Poland)– President of the Management Board Institute of Innovation and Responsible Development

11.45 – 12.00

Coffee break

12.00 – 12.30

Environmental challenges – actions for SDGs undertaken around the world (eg. Denmark, Singapore, USA)
Russell Beard (England) – A film producer, traveler, passionate about activities to improve the world

12.30 – 13.00

Biodiversity of Malopolska Region as an essential element of health vs Society 5.0
DVM Patrycja Adamska (Poland) – Head of Carpathians Projects Team UNEP/GRID Warsaw Centre
PhD Piotr Mikołajczyk – GRID Warsaw Centre

Day II: 19.11.2020 (Thursday)

Hubert Bukowski (Poland) – Institute of Innovation and Responsible Development

10.00 – 10.30

The role of AI in development of Society 5.0 – Perspectives of the AIRC in Tokyo
Prof. Junichi Tsujii (Japan) – Director Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIST) in Tokyo

10.30 – 11.00

Green HR – sustainable HR – what are they? Do they differ and how to introduce them in the company?
Prof. Marek Matejun (Poland) – Professor University of Lodz
DSc Bożena Ewa Matusiak (Poland) – The head of the Department of Data Analysis and Intelligent Systems University of Lodz
PhD Izabela Różańska – Bińczyk (Poland) – Professor Assistant at the Department of Human Resource Management University of Lodz

11.00 – 11.30

Modern technologies vs sustainability
Prof. Massimo Canducci (Italy) – Chief Innovation Officer of the Engineering Group University in Turin

11.30 – 11.45

Coffee break

11.45 – 12.15

Modern technologies and human / employee rights in the context of SDG
Jacqueline Kacprzak (Poland) Expert and lecturer in the field of human rights and responsible business

12.15 – 12.45

Global Society, Technology and People’s Rights PhD
Jesus Bores Lazo (Spain)

12.45 – 13.00

Closing of the conference

Speakers and guests


Hubert Bukowski

Graduate of Economics and Quantitative Methods in Economics and Information Systems at the Warsaw School of Economics. A long-time employee of the Economic Institute of National Bank of Poland, where he dealt with econometric forecasting models and regulatory impact assessment. He conducted projects in the area of innovation as well in theory (reports and analyzes on topics such as the implementation of the circular economy, macroeconomic effects of expenditure on research and development, endogenous models of economic growth) as practice (implementation of payment security tools).

Prof. Junichi Tsujii (Japan)

Director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIST) in Tokyo, runs a research center within the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology – Japan’s largest public research organization, with approximately 3,200 employees; computer scientist specializing in natural language processing and text mining, especially in the fields of biology and bioinformatics.

Jacqueline Kacprzak

Expert and lecturer in the field of human rights and responsible business conduct. Bureau Member of the OECD Working Party on Responsible Business Conduct. Counsellor to the Minister at the Polish Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy. Secretary of the governmental CSR Advisory Board in 2014-2017. Mediator in civil and economic cases. She has cooperated with such international organizations as Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF).

Beatrycze Bem

Expert in the field of corporate communication and corporate social responsibility. Several years of experience in working in the fuel, financial, IT, energy, industrial automation and robotics as well as FMCG sectors. As a board member of a corporate foundation, she is co-responsible for creating the foundations for the organization’s operation, its strategy, ongoing social projects and the development of employee volunteering. A trainer supporting business and NGOs in achieving socially useful goals.

PhD Agnieszka Sznyk

President of the Institute of Innovation and Responsible Development; PhD in agricultural sciences with a specialization in sustainable agricultural production. Expert in sustainable development and socio-economic development of the society. Author of many reports and articles, incl. “Innovations 2015”, “The impact of innovative international enterprises on the socio-economic development of Poland”, “Methods of measuring social innovation”.

Russell Beard (England)

A film producer, winner of many awards, passionate about activities to improve the world. Co-founder of the flagship ecological program AL Jazeera “Earth East”. He travels all over the world meeting influential environmentalists and entrepreneurs, innovators and activists. His film “Singapore: Asia’s Greenest City” shows how architects and policymakers are responding to the needs of tomorrow’s cities: dealing with waste and the growing demand for affordable housing, food and public transport.

Prof. Marek Matejun

Marek Matejun holds a doctor of science degree (habilitation) in management sciences. He is a University Professor at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial Policy at the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz. His research interests focus on entrepreneurship and small business management, modern concepts and methods of management, as well as research methodology in management sciences. He is also interested in issues of corporate social responsibility and new trends in human resources management. He is the author or co-author of over 170 scientific publications. He has participated in many research projects and also in research visits at universities in Finland, China and the United Kingdom. He also holds the position of the President of Social Science and Humanities Research Association (India).

DSc Bożena Ewa Matusiak

Bożena Ewa Matusiak is a doctor of science (habilitation) in management sciences. Employed as a University Professor at the Department of Computer Science, she is the head of the Department of Data Analysis and Intelligent Systems at the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz. Her interests mainly concern the issues of sustainable development, renewable and prosumer energy, flexible demand management and the development of smart cities, society 5.0, smart grids and intelligent systems as well as Green HRM. She is the author or co-author of over 120 scientific publications. She took part in many international research projects. He is also the head of the Center for Sustainable Development Studies at the Faculty of Management of the University of Łódź. Privately, she is a lover and practisioner of Japanese martial art – Aikido.

PhD Izabela Różańska-Bińczyk

Izabela Różańska-Bińczyk holds a Management Sciences PhD in Economics and is employed as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Resource Management at the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz. She is a practitioner and researcher of human resource management. The current areas of her research interests are mainly: green HRM (green human resource management), sustainable development and the latest trends in human resource management. She is also a member of the Program Council of the Center for Sustainable Development Studies at the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz and the tutor of the Student Science Club “Personalni”.

Prof. Massimo Canducci (Italy)

Chief Innovation Officer of the Engineering Group Faculty Global of Singularity University. He has been dealing with ICT and Innovation since 1990: he works on innovation, research, consultancy, and specialized training. Keynote speaker in national and international conferences on the topics of Innovation, Digital Transformation, Innovation Management, Sustainability and the Future. He is a professor at the Executive MBA Ticinensis, teaches Innovation Management at the University of Turin and Consultancy and Soft Skills at the MIBE of the University of Pavia. He is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Engineering Faculty of the University of Florence. He is a member of several international working groups on the topics of Industrial Innovation, Blockchain and DLT, Artificial Intelligence and Management of Innovation Processes, at Italian (UNI), European (CEN), and worldwide (ISO and United Nations) levels.

Kamil Wyszkowski

Representative and president of the UN Global Compact Network Poland Council, lecturer at Collegium Civitas, a lawyer (international law), an expert in the field of UN and EU policies (activities at the interface between business and administration and involving the private sector in implementing the goals, policies and standards of the United Nations). Since 2002, employed in the United Nations. In 2009-2014 – director of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) office in Poland and from 2004 – a representative of the UN GCNP (UN network coordinating on behalf of the United Nations cooperation with business, cities, universities, public administration and non-governmental organizations). As an employee of the United Nations, he also deals with economic diplomacy, social and economic innovation, social economy and development leaps design.

Patrycja Adamska

Vet doctor, a graduate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and postgraduate studies in personnel management as well. Since 2012, she has been associated with the UNEP / GRID-Warsaw Center where she coordinates activities within “Carpathian Connector” project. The main goal of this project is to protect the biodiversity of the Polish part of the Carpathians and to implement the provisions of the Carpathian Convention. She coordinated activities on various topics (sports volunteering, social economy, training games) as a Director of the IQ Educational Center in Warsaw.

PhD Jesus Bores Lazo (Spain)

PhD Jesus Bores Lazo is a European Attorney at Law, Professor and International Consultant who has gathered extensive and solid experience in over 50 countries and all areas of Trade and International Law, Development and Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights having worked for the EU, IADB, USAID, OSCE, or UNDP. Mr. Bores holds the title of PhD – Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) both in the U.S. and Europe, Master’s degree (LLM) in European and Comparative Law, two independent Degrees on Law and Political Science and International Relations and he teaches in several international universities in America and Europe.

PhD Piotr Mikołajczyk

PhD in natural sciences. He graduated from the Faculty of Biology at the University of Warsaw, specializing in insect physiology. Since 2001 he has been working for the UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Center. He is primarily engaged in projects and tasks devoted to the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity and sustainable development. His professional career began with scientific and educational work at the Faculty of Biology, involving a scholarship from the US Department of Agriculture. Later he became involved in environmental activities, which included his work in the Environmental Protection Program of the American Peace Corps in Poland, followed by the work for the Polish WWF Program.